Video Games Saving Lives
A friend pointed me to this article in Ars Technica about a website I'd never heard of before. How Games Saved My Life is a collection of deeply personal testimonials about the positive effects video games have had on the lives of people. In it there are stories about lost loved ones, about finding love, about overcoming obstacles and adversities - about all sorts of moments in life that wouldn't have been the same without the positive influence of a video game.
To some it might sound silly or even crazy, but take a moment and read a few stories. The only news items I typically see in regular (non-gaming) media are about the negative influences of video games, usually on children. These stories are the complete opposite, and while I doubt any of them will garner a segment on CNN, it's something to consider the next time you feel sheepish about telling an acquaintance you play video games. Positive experiences are everywhere.
How Games Saved My Life, via Ars Technica, via Dr Fierce