Gears of War DLC Six Weeks After Release
Epic has announced November 1 as the release date for the first DLC for GoW3 (link via joystiq).
I hate seeing DLC this soon after the game was released. It feels like Epic is squeezing every dollar out of this great IP while it can, which I understand - but why couldn't they have included this in the released game? Granted, I do feel like I got my $60 out of GoW3, it's a true sequel with a great campaign and some excellent additions to multiplayer. The game doesn't feel like some half-assed version 1.5 (see Left 4 Dead 2). I just feel like I'm being shorted.
But who am I kidding?
"The new fortifications include a command center that allows players to call in support from snipers, mortars or Hammers of Dawn".
Yeah, I'm buying it.
Gears of War 3 'Horde Command Pack' gets defensive Nov. 1 [joystiq .com]

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